Flywing UH-1 6CH 450 Size Helicopter with H1 Flight Controller PNP RTF
Flywing UH-1-Iroquois V3 6 CH 450 size PNP RTF Scale Helicopter with H1 flight controller
Video Capture Resolution : OtherOperator Skill Level : Beginner,Intermediate,Expert
Indoor/Outdoor Use : Outdoor
Model Number : UH-1
Controller Mode : MODE1,MODE2
Flight Time : 5-10mins
Control Channels : 6 Channels
Controller Battery : not include
Motor : Brushless Motor
The remote control model is not a toy. This product is provided to adults or experienced technicians with professional remote control model helicopter assembly, setting, commissioning and operation experience and is used in legal remote control flight field. This product is not suitable for children or those who do not have professional remote control model helicopters. Inexperience This must be purchased under the direction of someone with considerable skill or expertise. The remote control model product of this specification belongs to the operator who has high operational skills and is a consumable item. Improper or unfamiliar use of the product may cause serious harm to yourself and others, or even death. After the product is disassembled and used, it will cause loss of parts in different situations. If the product is defective or unsatisfactory due to any use, it will not be possible to replace the new product or return it within the warranty conditions. The dealer is unable to correct the abnormal loss of the parts and components of the end user, improper installation and setting methods, modification or modification of the goods (including the use of non-original parts), other equipment that does not meet the specifications, and poor operation. Way, damage, accident or injury caused. Buyers and operators assume full responsibility at the time of purchase. Those who do not operate such professional remote-controlled model helicopters shall not operate this product. At the same time, the operator must operate in the legal remote control model flight site, pay attention to the personal safety of himself and others and strictly abide by and comply with national and local laws and regulations. The whole machine hood is a fragile product. Many glass fiber products are surface painting products. Due to shrinkage, temperature and transportation process, there may be problems such as blasting and cracking. This is a problem of the product itself. Do not deal with, (or face-to-face courier sign, direct delivery of the problem with serious problems, after the receipt of this problem will not be dealt with.) Mind please be careful to buy!
Design Features:
1 Flybar rotor head to use ultra-low center of gravity design enables the rotor level close to the body's center of gravity, and effectively enhance the roll, spin turn, the pendulum 3D action crisp, helicopters hover state to a higher degree of stability, with a more strong appreciation, the pros and cons of dental Rod to facilitate debugging pitch.
2.New and improved design of the side panels, a dedicated ZYX 3-axis gyro fixed position, ZYX can be installed in the fuselage, or install the swashplate rail, so that the wiring simple and pricey wiring beauty.
3. The integrated spindle server mounts, so that the server replacement more convenient and easy to maintain.
4.Extended battery holder / ESC holder, not only make the battery fixed more firmly, but also to better adjust battery position based on a low center of gravity
5. High efficiency tail shaft drive design, dramatically reduces belt drive power consumption, while improving the efficiency of the tail drive shaft
6. Vertical tail holder server design, the whole center of gravity closer to the center, and improve the agility of a helicopter stunts in 3D
7.The unique centrifugal thrown block tail rotor folder design and increase the performance of the the helicopter direction of control and gyro, improve the precision of the effect of the end of the lock and the lock tail
8. new streamlined painted canopy and fuselage with them to create the perfect visual sense!
Suggestions! Beginners to purchase, assembly, transfer machines, flight, be sure to appoint Please veteran sidelines guidance, so make your entry flight, with less! (User must have extremely high operating RC helicopter safety concept, be sure to pre-flight to comply with the instructions of the relevant safety precautions)